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How to Rehydrate Sourdough Starter

Prep Time5 minutes
To Fully Activate Sourdough Starter5 days


  • Dehydrated sourdough starter package 10-15 grams
  • Bread Flour
  • Water


  • (Evening) In a clean jar, add dehydrated sourdough starter powder (about 10-15 grams), 3 tbsp flour, and 2 tbsp water. Mix well to create a thick batter.
  • Loosely cover the jar with plastic wrap. Place a rubber band where the dough is starting to see the progress. Let the mixture sit at room temperature (around 70-75°F or 21-24°C) overnight. During this time, the yeast and bacteria present in the sourdough starter will begin to reactivate and multiply.
  • (Morning) Your starter should start showing signs of fermentation, such as bubbles and a slightly sour smell. stirring until well combined. Feed it again 3 tbsp flour and 2 tbsp water, stir well. Cover with plastic and let it sit on your counter until the evening.
  • Repeat this process every morning and evening until your starter is consistently active and doubles in size within 6-8 hours after feeding. (About 5 days)
  • Once your sourdough starter is fully reactivated, you can begin using it to bake bread or store it in the refrigerator between feedings. Remember to feed your starter regularly to keep it healthy and active.