Stir vigorously until combined into a smooth thick batter.
Cover with plastic wrap. Place a rubber band where the sourdough is so you can see how much it has risen.
Place in your oven with your light on.
Once it has doubled or even tripled, then started to slowly fall down usually around 6 hours later, it is ready to be used.
Place in the fridge if not using.
*Awesome way to check if starter is ready is the FLOAT TEST. If it floats in water, it’s ready to be used.**I never discard. Every time I feed it, I use about 200 g for two loaves and I have some left over about 50 g to feed again and use again or store in the fridge.***Starter can be stored in the fridge for up to a week without feeding.****When you see a brownish water form on top of the starter, that means its hungry and needs to be fed!Sample Timeline:9-11 AM Feed your starter and put in oven with light on.2-4 PM Use it for bread dough and feed again. Then place in fridge or out on the counter if you plan to use it.4 PM When you made the dough, in 30 mins to 1 hour you have to do the first stretch and fold. The rest of the directions you can find here.